
I’m facing this situation with my 7yo boy, youngest in his 3rd grade class, but one of the biggest. Should he be bringing a stuffed toy to school as a reading buddy? He said that the teacher said they could. But – will he be teased? Will some kids mess with his toy, not treat it like he would and make him upset? My boy can be quite tough and independent, but also very sensitive. He has long hair and handles mistakes about his gender and comments about his hair VERY smoothly (naturally and politely), but what about a his love for a soft toy? I have sent a message to his teacher for her feedback (about class personalities and norms) and have also suggested to my son that he wait and see what the other, older boys bring. Kinda phrased it as “well, you know some kids play rough with their toys and may play rough with yours too – you better know how it will be so you will know what toy you want to risk.” I need to also talk with him about playing with what he wants to, but also being aware that some kids may tease. This really shouldn’t be an issue! Part of the answer to my question can be found in these blogs. and and But what do you think?

    toys boys

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