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Garden supplies are any items or materials needed to create, maintain and enhance a garden. Gardeners need a wide range of supplies to create beautiful gardens. For this reason, gardeners need to buy quality garden supplies to ensure that their gardens look their best. Buying quality garden supplies is essential if you want your garden to look beautiful and last a long time. However, you must know what to look for when you shop for quality garden supplies. Knowing what to look for when you shop for quality garden supplies makes the process much easier.incerity

There are many types of quality garden supplies. A good way to determine what type of quality garden supply you need is to first determine the size of your garden. If you have a small yard, you will only need a small quantity of quality garden supplies. Conversely, if you have a large yard, you will need a large quantity of quality garden supplies. Knowing the size of your garden will help you determine what quantity and quality of quality garden supplies you need. Once you know the size of your garden, you can find the right quality and quantity of quality garden supplies to meet your needs. Choosing quality garden supplies is essential if you want your garden to last long and look beautiful. For people who speak French.


Sammy Flores 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Last night I did what all women of a certain age do when they find themselves newly single and free! free! on a Friday night. I went out looking for love in a yarn shop. And that my friends is what we call looking for love in all the right places. Especially if it is mohair.

And love costs. It is expensive. I'm just saying.


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1. One of the problems with being an early riser is that you tend to eat breakfast at an obscenely early hour. So by 9:30 in the morning you're hungry and want to gnaw on your own arm. Today I brought a yogurt as a midmorning snack because yesterday I ate my lunch at 10 a.m. I think maybe later today I'll have a blue plate special and yell at some kids to get off my lawn.

2. Which remids me ... the other day I couldn't remember my own zipcode. You know how you'll be getting gas at the filling station and you can pay with your ATM/visa card? As an added security level, these machines now ask you to enter your zipcode. I completely drew a blank.


Sammy Flores 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hello! I have been having one of those weeks (plural) where even though a person may love their family and friends and job and adore their coworkers and want to come in each morning with group hugs and cheers of Cumbaya and happy thoughts about Los Angelenos and traffic and life in general, you maybe -- just maybe -- for a few days want to vigorously staple the hand of the next person who comes near you.

Hi! I am grumpy!

Sammy Flores 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Do not ask me why on earth I thought these videos would be interesting to anyone, and also can I add that folks on the bus must have seen me do some mighty strange things in our time together because not one passenger batted an eye when I whipped out my camera and video captured the bus ... driving. In traffic. Really, when I told you it was boring I was kind of being generous in praise.

But this boringness is to offset the WHITE TRASH DRAMA MAGNET that is me, yours truly. Do you have time for the tee tiniest story before I show you the boringest videos?

Sammy Flores 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

It's happy-happy shiny smiley land here in the Valley, because it's morning and it's a lovely Sunday and OH MY GOD IT IS NOT HOT. Seriously. It's all people have talked about. I was at the 7-11 this morning for coffee, and then the gas station and then the grocery because I am somewhat certifiably insane and get up at 4:45 a.m. on Sunday mornings and WAIT for things to open (well, of course the 7-11 is open, but it's too weird to arrive there before 6 a.m. unless you're on a beer run for a party that is going VERY well, know what I mean?) and HOLY CRAP is this turning into one long sentence, but suffice it to say every place I visited this morning people have remarked upon how AWESOME the weather is because we are not being baked in the scorching armpit of hell.

Hi ya'll! I had a lot of coffee!

Sammy Flores 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Aug 28 Sat 2021 17:01
  • Hectic

Hi ya'll!

I won't be doing horoscopes this month, I am so sorry! There's just all kinds of crazy going on over here. My grandma, who is just a real hoot, ya'll would love her, anyway, she has had a stroke and my mom is flying out and then there was this whole brief period of insanity when I thought I should rent a car and bring Roy with me down to Orange County because ya'll know I have this CAT who has many fancy medications and so on, and also I have to watch him like a hawk for signs of paltryness (is it any wonder I have not had children? I would be that mom who does background checks on the schoolteachers and generally makes the other parents nervous).


Sammy Flores 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Today we have Santa Anas in Los Angeles. Santa Ana winds are hot and dry and they blow all around the city and make us feel like we have real weather now and then. The excitement is disproportional to its real significance, but hey, we're the same people who forget how to drive when it rains. I think we get so excited by little atmospheric things like wind because we aren't privy to the tornadoes and hurricanes and violent thunderstorms that batter the rest of the country. We just sit here in a pile of our own pollution and expect every single day to be sunny and mid 70s. So when we get some strong winds we're just wacky, they even close freeways in the canyons. Los Angeles has wind! Film footage at eleven!

Sammy Flores 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Many people are interested in how to buy a bargain online, and today it's possible to get the best deals and prices on products online. After all, why pay $20 for something you can get for $10 on another website? That's why it's so important to compare purchase prices, because it can save you $50 or more a year in total, depending on the number of purchases you make. Of course, comparing prices on items can be time-consuming. But there are special sites that help you compare the cost of a product at several online stores in one place. So, instead of visiting ten different stores, you can view and compare prices on one site. Below I will discuss the main benefits of comparing prices, and give some useful tips for comparing purchases. By using them, you can be sure that you will always get the best deals when shopping online.

Advantages of using price comparison sites


Sammy Flores 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Ikea had a big tax-free shopping event over the weekend, so you know where I was bright and early Saturday morning:

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That's me and my dad when I was about six years old. That was in June, and I remember I was fascinated by his shiny wristwatch, and I loved it so much, and my dad tried to teach me how to tell time but I was a slow study. The concept of breaking a whole big day into tiny hours and seconds and so on was beyond my already crazy six-year-old mind.

Sammy Flores 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

In my bio I joke about knitting hats that don’t fit anyone. You may have thought I was joking; I was not.

Below is photographic evidence (Exhibit A) of two (2) hats I knitted last year. These hats are known as “Goldilocks Hats.”


Sammy Flores 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

When I refer to my divorce as the "almost fatal yet intensely painful and horrible illness I weathered during 2004-2005," I am not kidding. It's been hell on the old bones.

For one thing there was the smoking. The incessant, ever-present smoking. At the end, I was up to a pack or more a day, and Peter Jennings may very well have saved my life. I quit smoking because of that man, and I love him more than ever. Which is kinda creepy in a necro-crush sort of way.

Sammy Flores 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Note to all signs:
That stupendous planetary behemoth named Saturn is finally FINALLY moving out of Cancer on July 16. The big planets way out there in our solar system -- like Saturn and Jupiter and Neptune -- are the Large Marge elements of the zodiac. They come into your house, stay way too fucking long, eat you out of house and home and heart, and teach you all these life lessons you were sure you could live without thankyouverymuch. Even signs not directly in Saturn's path will feel the change at the end of the month. Except, uh, Leo? Hope you made up the guest room, because Saturn is moving into your house. So long and thanks for all the memories, Saturn! Enjoy Leo! See ya, wouldn't want to be ya!


Sammy Flores 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Multiple Choice #1: Is there TOO MUCH crazy?

So, my friend Jane* and I have been discussing The Power of Intention, although not the book "The Power of Intention" but more the general concept of using you mind to will things into being. Some people call this "prayer" or "meditation" or sometimes "voodoo."

Sammy Flores 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I have done a little of everything to lose weight. I just never stick with it. I have done the vinegar thing and need to get back to it. You will lose weight, but even better, you just feel better. More energy, cleaner, happier. I actually buy Braggs (I think that it the brand) organic apple cider vinegar. It has the “mother lode” in it, which is the bits of apple. The apple cider vinegar you buy in the store has been strained and they say the organic is better. I even have a book written by the Braggs on all the uses for the stuff.
BTW, apple cider vinegar should be used for the body, not white vinegar. It isn’t as good for you, but white is wonderful for cleaning just about anything.


Sammy Flores 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

You girls are a riot. I have my fav vibe in the center console of my car… makes the commute to and from work sooooo much better.
;) And the occasional trucker gets a kick out of it too.

Sammy Flores 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Where would a woman go if she had exhibitionist tendances and wanted to get naked and let strangers fondle her. Me, being me, I went to the font of all answers and useful sex-oriented information, Cragislist*.

Needless to say, when you post something like, “Where would a woman go to get naked and let strangers fondle her?” you get a lot of really….interesting replies. Take a look.


Sammy Flores 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Aug 04 Wed 2021 03:07
  • J Wood

Firstly, I hope you’re not reading that as a denouncement of radical feminism – I identify as a radical feminist and know many who are not like this. It wasn’t a dig at radical feminism as much as an expression of my disappointment/surprise that some radical feminists see this as a feminist viewpoint.

Not all radical feminists feel this way of course, but I recall reading in a thread in a closed radical feminist forum something along the lines that women shouldn’t be raising boys, that all mothers of boys/men have “Not-My-Nigel” syndrome, and that we should be leaving it to men to raise boys and concentrate all our energy on female children.

Sammy Flores 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

John Holt’s “Escape from Childhood.” I haven’t read the book yet, but there is a very good review of it which I think everyone should read.

Especially consider (from a page linked to in the review):


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