You are reading this now because you are probably a business owner who is looking for a reputable printing company to manage all your orders. Before proceeding with that, you need to take note of a couple of things. First off, different printing companies specialize in varying fields. Some deal mostly with books, while others are more adept with label, logos, and letterheads. There are also those who only process business cards and pamphlets, and a few who can handle all transactions when it comes to printing.

Learning about this early on will save you all the trouble and effort. Aside from that, you need to take note of your budget. This is important if you do not want to deplete the budget of your business. It is also helpful if the company that you will do business with is great with letterheads and designs because consumers notice this immediately. The things to take note of may seem taxing, but do not worry because there are online tools that will guide you to the right site. With that in mind, go to printingamerica for letterhead printing and they will make it a breeze for you to locate a great company


Sammy Flores 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I joined the Zombie Walk in Baguio City last October 27, 2020. It was fun since I got to see other zombies too. Last December 31, I joined our family's cosplay contest and I was a pole vaulting zombie. Our neighbors were looking at me, not sure if they are scared or having fun with what they see. Dad wanted me to portray Tarzan but Mama Ayie didn't know where to get a costume, since I already have my zombie costume, it's what I used. I didn't win anything but I had fun.

For my costume, I used my white long sleeve polo and put some color red nail polish to make it look like a blood. Food color and red liptick will do.

Sammy Flores 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I would like to talk about the services I often use. I mean useful, great services that help me solve this or that problem in everyday life.
I do gardening in the summertime and I like to decorate my garden. But I don't always have enough ideas. In that case I use services like Huaban or Pinterest. On these sites you can always find a lot of pictures on a particular subject. I myself would never have thought of some of the ideas.

Sammy Flores 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

These are some of the photos take when I play Pet Society in my Mom’s Facebook account. Am I a very good photographer? Do you think I am good in taking pictures than my Mama Ayie? Hihi

Sammy Flores 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Elijah is sick since last night, good thing he’s still very active even though he is not feeling well. My Aunt paid us a visit to check if he’s okay. I took good care of him so there is nothing to worry about.

Sammy Flores 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Weee! lots of prizes are to be given away by my three tita! :) Hoping to win because I wanna help mom in her newly opened online shop. :D

All you have to do is blog about their contest, do some following and liking and you are now on your way to $800 worth of cash and prizes! Easy peasy eh? :)

Sammy Flores 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Mama thought that I was thinking about something important. What she didn’t know is that… I am just eating our window’s screen! hahahaha! I got you mom!

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